Monday, April 15, 2019

Another Spring Weekend

Another Spring weekend is in the books, and it was a great one! Thursday was Adam's birthday, but we chose to celebrate on Friday because Ryan had a game Thursday night. I ordered way too much food from Buca di Beppo, and Adam's Mom made a fantastic peanut butter chocolate cake.
 I broke my no-sugar-in-2019 rule for the second time this year to enjoy this cake, and it was worth it!
 Don't be confused by his face....he actually really liked the sign his Mom gave him.
 The rest of Friday night was spent watching the Sharks.
Saturday morning I got up early and was doing some Pilates when this little cutie popped up out of nowhere.
 I tried to start my weekend off right with a green smoothie.
 On our way to baseball before 9am!
Adam helped coach Ryan's game, and at one point Ryan was on third while Adam was the third base coach. They played really well and the Dodgers won!
 I looked over and saw 3 grandkids....and 3 grandparents. We are so blessed.
After Ryan's game we came home for some lunch and relaxation. Andrew got his can of nuts and settled into his recliner.

 A surprise package came in the mail from Aunt Donna!
 Jenna was very excited to play her new princess board game.
 I did a quick grocery shop for the week with Jenna and Andrew mid-afternoon.
And then we were back out on the ballfield around 4:30 for Lucas' game.
This boy is always in the ready position. He looks like such a model child out there. I legitimately had a mom tell me her son was putting up a fuss about being bored while she told him to watch Lucas because he is always so well focused during the games. If only they knew how hard it is to actually get him to the games sometimes!

The Rockies won!

Back at home my parents came over for dinner because we had so many leftovers from Bucca.
Poor Ryan is about to sneeze here. His allergies are horrible this Spring!
On Sunday morning I let Ryan sleep in until 8:45, which meant 9am church was out of the question. Since Andrew is getting over a snotty cold, we opted to watch the service Live on our TV. We only had 2 timeouts and 1 cup of spilled milk during the hour.
After a few chores I quickly packed up lunches for the kids and we headed out to Lincoln to Goathouse Brewing.
Goathouse Brewing is a micro-brewery that grows their own hops on sight. In addition to their beers, there was a food truck on sight this day. Adam and I got tacos and our poor kids had to eat their packed lunches from home. Ha!
 We read the rules before visiting the goats.
 Hello there! I never noticed before how strange a goat's eyes look.
 The baby goats were so cute and soft! Some of them were just a week or two old.
Andrew was a bit frightened at first, but in no time at all he was in love with the goats. He threw a fit when I had to carry him away from them.
 We even found a donkey!
Back at home it was time to relax. Err, time to jump and swing. Adam ran to the store while I quickly threw together dinner and picked up the house.
And then changed into fresh non-goat clothes. I headed out to our MOPS leader's house for a leader's appreciation dinner.
And that's a wrap on our weekend. What did you do over the weekend?

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