Thursday, September 27, 2018

What Jenna Ate In A Day

I've done quite a few "What I Ate In a Day" posts over the years, but I'm not sure I've ever done one for Jenna. So today I documented everything she ate. Now, a few things about Jenna's eating habits. She is by far my best eater. Both in terms of quantity and variety of foods. She is generally willing to try new foods and she has a taste for much healthier foods than her brothers. She likes to say she is "just like Mommy!" because we often like the same types of flavors. Lately Jenna has been eating so much food, so I figured it was a good time to blog about it.....and then today she didn't eat a lot! Ha, I guess that's the way it goes.

This morning Jenna had a bowl of cheerios topped with milk....with a side of milk in a cup. 
After her cheerios she ate 2 breakfast sausages. This is the sausage I grew up eating and I'm glad all 6 of us like it. (Ryan has been pretty sick this week so I was happy when he actually ate a sausage this morning!)
Then Jenna saw me cutting a grapefruit, and she begged me for some. She ended up eating half my grapefruit, including all the fruit segments and the juice.
Jenna had preschool today, and they made donuts because they are learning about the letter D. She came home and told me she had 2 donuts at school!

Jenna wasn't terribly hungry for lunch today (those donuts!). Usually she will eat quite a bit more at lunchtime. Most days when I ask what she wants, her reply is "Just surprise me!". She is so cute. Then when I present her with her lunch plate she will usually gasp and get a huge grin on her face. She gets excited about food just like her Mommy! Here was the plate of food I fixed her today....cucumbers with Italian dressing, cheese and crackers, and some black beans. She ate all her cucumbers plus a few more, but nothing else. (Garbanzo beans are her beans of choice. She can EAT those!)
I'm pretty sure she ate some of these whole wheat animal crackers during the afternoon, but I didn't actually see.
This is the plate of food I served to Jenna. A homemade chicken patty, milk, broccoli topped with some butter, and quinoa topped with parmesan. Oh and some pickles because she requested them.
And here was her plate after dinner. She loves quinoa, especially with parmesan, so she attempted to eat all of it. She ate her pickles (plus 2 more), and she ate her broccoli. She tried a bite of her chicken but said she didn't like it.
I just need to mention these Grillo's Pickles. They are SO GOOD. Have you ever noticed that most jarred pickles contain preservatives and food coloring? These can be found in the refrigerated section and they have very fresh healthy ingredients, including grape leaves and whole garlic cloves. Jenna and I can't stop eating them!
And that was what Jenna ate in a day! It wasn't as much as usual, so I bet she will wake up extra hungry tomorrow and ask for oatmeal topped with cream and peanut butter. Her favorite way to eat it!

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