Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Andrew: 18 Months

Andrew you are 18 months old! This post is a little bit overdue, but're baby #4 so that's how it goes sometimes!
Yesterday you had your 18-month checkup and I had zero concerns to discuss with your doctor. You weighed in at 23 pounds, which is the exact weight Ryan was at this age. I'm not sure what your growth percentile is, but Ryan's was 13% for weight, so it's safe to say you are a little guy!
I took this picture of you the other night in the bathtub and then immediately decided to give you a haircut. It wasn't easy but I think it turned out ok!
Andrew you are by far my most curious, into-everything toddler! I can't take my eyes off of you for a second. You empty drawers, find dangerous things to climb on, play with the garbage can, and pretty much make messes all day long.
We had an interruption in our nursing relationship last week when I was on antibiotics. But we are slowly getting back to normal now. I am trying to NOT nurse you in the middle of the night, and so far you seem to understand me when I say "all gone". But then you proceed to whine and whimper all night. It's tiring!
Your first selfie!

Likes: playing outside, drinking from everyone's cups, playing with balls, Grandpa, music, playing with your siblings, putting things on your head

Dislikes: diaper changes, most fruits, being ignored
You have so many words now! Just a month or two ago we were wondering if you would ever start talking. Then all of a sudden you are copying everything we say. ball, outside, Papa, I want that, no, milk, wawa, go, boom, uh-oh, gar (car), hi, bye-bye, dada, mama, what that, toot, poop, taco, all done, more...…..
I would describe your personality right now as busy and curious and goofy, with a little temper mixed in. You are really playful and like to be in on the action with your siblings. But if I can't give you my attention or if don't get what you want, you will screech and try to throw or hit. And yes you've got the Nullmeyer arm! I'd say you are a good mix of your brothers. Not as serious as Ryan was at this age, but also not as aggressive as Lucas was. You're just Andrew!
Drewski-man (as Lucas calls you) we love you so much! You are the little puzzle piece we didn't know our family was missing. You are at such a busy and fun age, and I love watching you change every day. Happy 18 months!

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