Friday, September 27, 2013

Do Over

I would like a do-over for Monday. It was actually our 7-year anniversary, and although Adam tried to get the day off to take me out somewhere, he was unable to.
It started like a typical day, with Ryan waking me up shortly after 4am to go potty. While I was waiting for him to finish, I became aware of the sound of trickling water. And it wasn't coming from Ryan, but rather the kitchen. I figured it was the kitchen sink, so I mentioned it to Adam as I got Ryan back into bed. Well, I don't think I have ever seen Adam get out of bed that fast.
Turns out a water pipe under our sink had burst and flooded half the kitchen. (Thank you God for giving my son a full bladder......otherwise the water would have been running another hour before Adam got up!). We used every towel we own to soak up the mess. We pulled out our appliances in order to clean the water beneath them and check for damage under the floor.
It could have been a lot worse. We spent most of the day cleaning up the mess and going to Home Depot.

Except then we tried to put gas in my car, and it wouldn't work. It had been acting strange earlier that week at the gas station, so we decided to take it in to get checked out. By this time Adam had been given the day off (yay, we got to spend our anniversary together!). It turns out that a tiny little spider had crawled into the gas tank filter inside my car and built a web, making it impossible to fill up my tank with gas.

In the midst of all the fun, I accidentally spilled coffee on my laptop. And the keyboard stopped working. Hence no blog posts until now. My laptop has a new keyboard now! This sure was turning out to be an expensive day.

The boys behaved themselves, though.
Adam still owes me dinner out for our anniversary. I'm putting it in writing so he can't get out of it!

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