Saturday, December 19, 2009

We Registered!

Adam and I went to Babies R Us 2 weeks ago to register for baby items. How was the experience, you ask? In a word, OVERWHELMING! Don't get me wrong, it was fun to pick out things for the baby and envision using them in just a few short months. But the whole experience was definitely confusing and overwhelming.

Adam was in charge of the zapper gun, while I was in charge of the list. Babies R Us gives you a list of the "essentials". Oh my goodness. Who knew a baby needed so much stuff? We didn't strictly go by the list, though, because it is obviously much more than any baby needs.

Things started out well. After carefully examining the selections and comparing prices, we'd pick out an item, let's say a package of bottles, for example. Then we would turn the corner and find an entire other aisle full of bottles! (I am exaggerating here, but you get the point). How do we know that the bottles we already picked out and zapped are the best? Do they contain BPA? Are they slow-flow, or will the milk come out so fast that it will upset the baby's tummy? Is there another brand that is just as good, but $5 cheaper? Ahhhhh!

After doing this for over 2 hours, we had only zapped a total of about 20 items. I had a headache and was getting frustrated, so we decided to call it a day and make the rest of our selections online. I was really surprised by how well Adam did. He was really into the whole process and even wanted to make another trip around the store.

So our registry is still a work in progress. We still need to add a few more items. But I think we got the "essentials" taken care of. Any experienced moms out there, feel free to take a look and tell me what you think. Because I obviously have no clue what I'm doing.

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