Unfortunately I am still unable to go for walks, per instructions from my Doctor. Right before I found out I was pregnant, I was training for a half-marathon. I got up to 7 miles before stopping due to my pregnancy. 7 Miles! I went from hard-core training to sitting on the couch channel surfing. As a result, I am HUGE. Seriously, I'm not really huge, but I have definitely gained a few pounds and I could easily pass for being 5 months pregnant. My pants are getting very tight and I fear I will soon weigh more than Adam.
OK, enough complaining. Here's what you've been waiting for. A picture of our little baby! Here is my 9 week, 4 day ultrasound pic from last week. Sorry it's a bit blurry. Basically the baby is towards the bottom, laying on its back, with the head on the left side. See it?
Oh, and Riley felt left out, so here's a recent photo of him:
Oh, Steph! It's so good to see a baby photo. I think I can make out the little nully in the corner! I'm so excited. Keep up the posts because now you're not the only one reading them. :) hee hee hee