Thursday, January 14, 2021

January Homeschool

 Anyone else feeling a little bit of the January blues? The fun holidays are over and the days are cold. We're halfway through our school year and things are feeling a bit monotonous. Honestly, my kids are bickering a LOT, and I'm really looking forward to the Spring when we can at least get outside more and hopefully play sports with friends. For now, here is what a typical homeschool day looks like for us right now. 

Most days are pretty scheduled and we cover quite a few subjects. Every once in a while we have lighter days, like today. Today, for example, is consisting of reading, math, more reading for a research project, and a nature walk later on. And that's probably it.

But here is a more typical day from earlier in the week. We always start out morning with a Bible story while we eat breakfast.
After that I always try to get one "family subject" done, before we start on individual lessons. On this day it was science.
While I read to the kids about protein, they colored.
Mid-morning my Dad comes over to do math individually with each of the kids.
While that's happening, I'm working with the others on language arts type work.
Lucas also does spelling
And piano.
Ryan works on his Fix-It Grammar
Followed by some tracing of the United States
We recently started using this book for North America geography. Ryan is obsessed with tracing things on tracing paper, so this is working out well so far.
Tracing the maps inevitably leads to tracing cars.
And drawing trucks.
We always try to make time for lots of reading:
And of course some playing.

On this particular day we headed to our local park after lunch for some Vitamin D and fresh air. There's an area next to the playground that my kids call "the forest". They built a teepee and Andrew informed me that he would be sleeping out there at night.
The afternoon got away from us (read: my kids have NO motivation to do more work in the afternoon), so we ended up doing our history reading after dinner. While I read about the Lewis and Clark Expedition and we discussed it, they played on the floor with legos.

Lucas opened up his latest Atlas Crate and I helped him with this project.

And of course we ended our day with more reading in bed. Our current family read-aloud is The Wild Robot.

Tell me, how are you surviving January school in your home?

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