Monday, January 11, 2021

4 Kids - 3 Things Each

 Ryan - 10 yrs 9 months

-We have given Ryan more freedom with his bike. He is now allowed to ride around the local neighborhood and play outside with friends on other streets, as long as he checks in occasionally.

-Ryan is struggling with sensory issues. He can't stand the feel of tags, the sound of chewing, the smell of many foods, the distracting sounds of his siblings, or the feel of the sheets on his bed.

-Ryan is really impressing me with his grammar knowledge lately. Every lesson we've done in his language arts book feels like review for him and he aces it every time!

Lucas - 8 yrs 7 months

-Lucas is so snuggly! I don't know if it's the extra weight on his body (He's almost the same weight as Ryan!), or just his personality, or both. But he is so fun to sit and cuddle and hug. He's like an affectionate puppy.

-Lucas tried brown rice for the first time this week and actually ate it! He is still my pickiest eater.

-He has taken great pride in his room lately, and does a terrific job keeping it clean and organized.

Jenna - 6 yrs 2 months

-Jenna makes the WORST faces! She's such a cute little girl....until he makes her awful facial expressions.

-Lately she's been asking me to read the American Girl Doll books every night before bed. I love this because they bring back such good memories for me!

-Jenna loves playing "family" with her little brother. Except every time I overhear them playing, one of the people in their "family" always dies! The stories they make up are crazy.

Andrew - 3 yrs 11 months

-He is my BEST breakfast eater! This morning he had 2 bowls of oatmeal, 2 boiled eggs, and a smoothie.

-Andrew never stops talking. Never.

-So far Andrew has shown zero interest in any sort of preschool work. He says he wants to do school with the kids, but he loses interest in about 1 minute. He's a busy boy and hates to sit still!

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