Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Touches of Blue and Greenery

I have managed to keep 3 houseplants alive for the last 6 months. This is a major accomplishment for me! I love to garden when I have time, grow vegetables outside, and I absolutely love the way houseplants bring a calmness and freshness to a room. And yet.....I have a black thumb. So you can imagine how disappointed I was recently to discover tiny skinny worms in the soil of my indoor plants. Yuck! I immediately took them outside and told the plants I was DONE with them. No worms in my house!
But then my friend at MOPS gave us some helpful tips about caring for indoor plants. And with our new wall color and accents of blue out in our living room, I just felt like the room would really benefit from some greenery. So Andrew and I got to work.

I shook off the worm-tainted soil and repotted my 3 faithful little plants with some fresh Miracle Gro.
I also bought a few new ones, with the hope that I can become a certifiable crazy plant lady. I'm loving them on this shelf in our dining room, since there are two nearby windows to provide indirect sunlight. I need to work on their placement though, as it looks a little too symmetrical to me right now.
 As you can see we have some touches of blue here and there.
 And a giant blank wall that needs some big artwork! (Don't mind the sleeping child)
 I think this little guy might be  my current favorite.
 One of them is actually fake....can you guess which one?
 This spider plant is so cool. I've heard they are easy to keep alive, so fingers crossed!
This plant was one of the worm-infested ones that got tossed outside and then subsequently burned by the sun. I'm hoping I can nurse it back to good health.
 I can't pass by this picture in our dining room without singing in my head.
 I love the way my house plants make the room feel!
Another accent of blue. This clock was a more recent purchase. The little succulents are so cute, but I somehow managed to kill the last ones. I thought succulents were easy!?
Do you own houseplants? Any tips I should know about?

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