Thursday, November 21, 2019

Jenna: Five

Happy 5th Birthday Jenna Mae Nullmeyer!!
 You are just as sweet as can be, and each year you seem so much more mature
Big milestones this year included learning to ride your bike without training wheels, and starting Pre-K. You also graduated to a big girl twin bed in your room, and you can get yourself dressed and brush your teeth with minimal help from me.
You definitely have a unique sense of style. You often want to look like a baseball or soccer player (because of your brothers), and you do this by folding up your leggings and wearing tall socks. On the other hand, you love all things pink, purple, rainbow, and unicorn. You're the perfect mix of tomboy and girly girl.
You have a very gentle, sweet, content disposition. You skip instead of walking. You sing to yourself while you play. One of my favorite things about you has always been how easily pleased you are. You are my content, go-with-the-flow child. The small things in life just delight you, and I absolutely love that. The other day our neighbors gave us some cupcakes and you declared it "the best day ever!"
I often tell you about our plans for the day in bed at night, and you always get a big smile on your face. Whether it's your gymnastics class (which you LOVE!), or just some homeschooling plans, you're always excited.
Speaking of school, you are loving both the learning we do at home, as well as the little Pre-K class you attend with cousin Lyla. You two are together a lot and you get along so well!
Sometimes you act really shy around people, and I honestly can't tell if you are pretending to be shy or actually shy. Maybe a little of both?
Other times you can get a bit whiny and overly-dramatic when you've gotten hurt. Sometimes you flop on the floor because you just "cant" do what I've asked. But that moodiness doesn't pop up too often, which I appreciate!
Your favorite foods still include some healthy options like cucumbers, PB sandwiches, eggs, oatmeal, beans, smoothies, and meat. Of course you also love things like pizza, which you requested for your birthday dinner.
I can always count on you to help me in the kitchen, be the first one to listen, or just keep me entertained with your constant chatter. Having a daughter is so special!
I recently discovered a hidden talent of yours: You are SO good at memorizing things! You can recite most of a book to me after we have read it only a couple times. You memorize songs really easily, too.
Favorite things: Riding your bike, bedtime stories, playing imaginary games with little dolls/figures, talking, unicorns, writing lists, playing with cousins.
You may only be 5, but you have big plans to be a mermaid when you grow up.
I love you so much my Jenna girl. Please stay little for as long as possible, and never lose the sweet, grateful spirit that God has given you. Happy 5!!

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