Monday, November 23, 2020

Jenna's 6th Birthday

Jenna's birthday looked a little different this year, only because we had no official "party". In fact, I spent most of the day cleaning and running to the store. But we managed to still make it special for Jenna, and she's so easy to please that I don't think she missed having a big party.

Her request for breakfast was bread with peanut butter, and a smoothie. Easy peasy!

She had chosen her birthday outfit a week in advance, and was excited to finally put it on. In typical Jenna fashion, she wore leggings and a cute cozy top.

Jenna shares a birthday with Grandma Linda, so she came over for a little visit (and folded my laundry....on her birthday. Thanks Mom)

Jenna's cousins did a quick drive-by and gave her an adorable little toy dog house for her stuffed animals. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture.

We always let our kids choose whatever they want for their birthday dinner. Jenna's brothers would undoubtedly choose to buy food. Jenna had a very specific request for ground beef, rice, and steamed broccoli and cauliflower topped with butter and salt. Told you she's easy to please!

She also requested I make a "vanilla cake with pink whipped cream and white frosting and my name written in pink on top"
After Grandma Jan came by and brought her some fun gifts, it was time to blow out the "6" candle and have our little party.

Each of us went around the table and prayed for Jenna before we ate dinner and it was really special!

Time for presents!
We debated up until the last minute about Jenna's gifts. I had planned to give her my American Girl Doll (Felicity) but unfortunately she was still up in the attic, so we decided to save her for Christmas. Instead she got a new bed comforter set and a pink scooter from us.

After that the real fun the horn on the unicorn! Seriously, best $3 I spent at Target.

We each took turns being blindfolded and spun around. When I brought up "Pin the tale on the donkey", I realized my kids didn't really know about that game! Jeez, made me feel old.

Jenna had a fun day filled with her favorite foods, new presents, and fun with her family. And now our baby girl is 6!

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