Sunday, November 22, 2020

Jenna: Six

Oh my Jenna girl, Happy 6th Birthday!

HOW are you getting so old? I truly just want to pause time with you. I've wanted to do this since you were a baby, but still can't figure out how.

You continue to be my sweet girl and by far my "easiest" child.
You're my child who I can tell to do something, leave the room for a while, and come back to find you still content, just doing your own thing. And what are you doing most of the time? Drawing adorable pictures! Seriously, you spend SO much time drawing and using your imagination. I'll be in the middle of reading a book for school to everyone, and you'll suddenly jump up to illustrate what you just heard. I have stacks of your precious drawings that I want to keep forever!
Speaking of school, this is your second year being homeschooled and so far I've heard no complaints. You do our work with a good attitude (most of the time), and the only time you struggle is when I have to pull you away from playing to begin work. You're learning to read, and you can add and count up to 100. I read out loud to you a LOT, and lately I have been hearing some pretty big and impressive words coming out of your mouth. I think you're going to have an excellent vocabulary. School at home means a lot of time with your brothers, and life can get a little hectic with 3 brothers. Sometimes we have to just stop and appreciate that we have each other. 
Jenna, you are still a wonderful combination of girly girl and slight tomboy. You love a pretty dress, unicorns, and anything pink.
But you also are heavily influenced by your brothers.
(That time you dissected a squid last month and didn't even flinch)
You're full of sugar and everything sweet.....but you have this crazy laugh that sounds quite evil! You are also incredibly goofy and make the worst faces.
Things I love about you: Your love for veggies! (When I asked what you wanted for your birthday breakfast, you requested cucumbers!), You are gentle, The way your legs peddle SO fast when you ride your bike, Your adorable profile, The way your face lights up when I tell you anything even remotely exciting or good, The way you play with Andrew.

Some things you love: A splash of cream on your cereal and oatmeal, Playing Polly Pockets, Pleading for just one more book read every night, Eating a salad outside in the sunshine with me, Scrunchies and Leggings.
Jenna Mae Nullmeyer you a such a special gift to our family. God knew we needed a girl right in the middle of all your brothers. I pray God blesses you this year as a big 6 year old! Love you girly!

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