Monday, January 13, 2020

Ryan and Lucas' Day of Eats

Since I shared what Jenna ate the other day, I figured it was only fair to show a day in the life of what Ryan and Lucas eat. I'm sure everyone knows by now that they are NOT the greatest eaters. They are each very picky but in very different ways.

Up first is Ryan. He will eat a wider variety of foods than Lucas, but the foods he does eat don't tend to be the healthiest. As in, almost zero fruits and vegetables. This ended up being a pretty good day of eating for him. As a reminder, Ryan is 9 years and 9 months old.

Breakfast: Ryan isn't usually hungry early in the morning, so I have to force him to eat something before school. This isn't the healthiest cereal but it isn't I choose my battles. He ate about half of what you see here.

Lunch: For lunch Ryan packed himself a green apple, San Pellegrino drink, pretzels, yogurt tube, and a turkey sandwich (just turkey and bread). He came home with an empty lunch box......but did he really eat everything?? This Mom will never know.

Snack: After school snack was two plates of chips with cheese melted on top.

Dinner: Dinner this night was shredded chicken, spaghetti noodles, and broccoli.
I turned around and Ryan had put a ton of noodles on his plate....but he ended up eating all of them! Topped with parmesan cheese of course. He also ate his chicken and maybe an invisible bite of broccoli.
Bedtime: More rice krispies

Lucas is 7 years and 7 months old right now. He is pickier than his big brother, in that his total list of foods he will eat is MAYBE between 10-12. However, the foods he does eat tend to be a bit healthier than Ryan. Lucas is always asking me for food, but if we're out of his 5 favorite foods, he often just goes hungry. I can offer other foods until I'm blue in the face, but he will always refuse them and then go and cry/pout about there being "nothing to eat!".

Breakfast: Lucas has 1 type of waffle he will eat (Van's multi grain), but we didn't have any. So he ate a bowl of unsweetened applesauce before school.

Lunch: Organic blue corn tortilla chips, applesauce/strawberry pouch, homemade cheezit crackers. His lunch looks small for 7 hours at school, but we didn't have any other foods he would eat. Soooo this is what he got.
 Snack: After school he ate the rest of the homemade cheezits.
 And a bowl of the blue corn tortilla chips.

Dinner: Dinner was the same thing Ryan ate....spaghetti noodles, chicken, and broccoli. None of these are foods Lucas will eat, but I refuse to make different dinners for different people.
So here is his sad little plate. He tried a tiny little bite of the noodle and gagged. He also took a little bite of broccoli so it would be added to his "Try New Foods" list.

 Bedtime: Another bowl of unsweetened applesauce.

Not too exciting, right? I think I would get SO bored with eating the same foods over and over like my boys do. I mean, Lucas basically ate chips and applesauce all day. Their diets are a work in progress over here. Next up I'll show you what Andrew eats.

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