Monday, July 8, 2019


I have been getting pretty frequent headaches for a while now. They come and go....sometimes I seem to have one almost every day, and other times I can go a couple weeks without one. Back in the Spring I went through a period where I didn't have a single headache in over a month. And now they seem to be back with a vengeance! When I was pregnant with Lucas I had a headache every single day during the first trimester. These headaches have been plaguing me ever since I had children. Coincidence? hmmmm
My Mom has suffered from migraines for most of her life, and she will often be suffering from a headache without anyone around her even knowing. Thankfully I only get a really bad migraine maybe once a month. But headaches can range from annoying background pain to downright debilitating. Recently, I've been getting some that start in my neck. I almost feel like if I could just stretch my neck a certain way, I could make the stiffness and pain go away. But I can't, and the pain inevitably works its way up to my head or behind my eyes.

It's so hard to know what causes my headaches because there are so many potential causes. Dehydration, stress, low blood sugar, being out in the heat, lack of sleep, low magnesium levels, hormones, tense muscles, etc. Kids?
I actually have a fairly bad headache right now, as I type this. It is behind my left eye and slowly started about 6 hours ago. I tried eating and drinking in the hopes that it would go away, but unfortunately it didn't. I hate popping Ibuprofen so often, but it's the only thing that somewhat helps. Well, a nap might help if that was a possibility!

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