Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Jenna: Four

Happy 4th Birthday Jenna Mae Nullmeyer!
My dear girl, you are growing up too fast. Sometimes I look at you and I just want to reverse time so I can experience the last 4 years with you all over again.
This past year you started preschool, got your first bike (with training wheels), learned to write your name, and began doing your own chores (sometimes!).

One of my favorite things about you has always been how content you are. Most of the time you really are just happy and go-with-the-flow. You don't get bothered too easily, and you are easy to please. You are excited over the simple things, and it doesn't take much to put a big smile on your face. Case in point: Just this morning I blew up some polka-dot balloons for Jenna before she woke up. When she saw them she said "Oh Mommy thanks for giving me the best birthday ever!"
I feel like we have a special bond, being the only girls in this family. You love to say "I'm not the only girl in this family!!". You also love to say that we are just alike, since we often have the same taste in foods. You always always call me "Mama".
You do have your moments...such as when you scream at your brothers, get sassy about obeying, or get whiny and forget how to use your words. 
You are definitely not as high-energy as your brothers, but you do enjoy playing with them.
Sometimes they can be annoying, rough-and-tumble older brothers, but other times they can be incredibly sweet and protective towards you!

You talk constantly to me during the day. As we are doing things, you are always talking about them, rather than just doing them.
You love being "tricky". You will often make up a little lie, such as telling me you have a tummy-ache. Then I will act sad about it and your whole face will light up as you shout "Tricked you!!". I call you my tricky tricker and you think this little game is SO funny.
Some of your favorite things right now: making your toys talk to each other, going to the store with me, telling "pooky" stories (you are SO good at this!), and playing with your friends at MOPS. Your favorite foods right now are plain oatmeal topped with cream, cucumbers and dip, and Nutella sandwiches.
You have such a sweet, kind, gentle spirit. If we are playing a game and you win, you try to change it so that I can win.
I've been saying this since you were in my tummy, but you really are such a special blessing to our family. Happy Birthday my girl, I love you so much!

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