Friday, November 16, 2018

A Photo Every Hour

Here was my day yesterday, hour by hour!

6am - As I'm making my coffee I'm thinking about the fires burning in California.

 7am - Miss Jenna Mae is sitting on the counter enjoying a bowl of oatmeal.

8am - I sit down to my breakfast and make a quick list for the store. My lists always end up ripped and scribbled on, but I make it work.

9am - It's hard to tell by this picture, but the sky is so smoky I can look directly at the sun (probably shouldn't!)

10am - Back home from Target. Can you spot the tiny Christmas trees!?

11am - I very quickly unload and make some homemade buttercream frosting. Put it between graham crackers and flash freeze them. Jenna brought them to preschool to celebrate her birthday!

12pm - I make it to Ryan's class reading party just in time. He was too busy chewing to stop and smile.

1pm - This is the face of a toddler who won't nap.

2pm - Preschool pickup! Those are NOT the pants Jenna went to school in. She had her very first tiny accident in her pants!

3pm - Back at our house there are 6 kids. My 4, plus cousin Lyla and some random neighborhood boy who we don't know.

4pm - I help my sister out by picking up Emma and Jacob from school. A glimpse of my future....driving teenagers around town.

5pm - Lucas got his first Stitch Fix!

6pm - Turkey tacos, spanish rice, and a game of Uno for dinner.

7pm - Adam and I attend a very short CPR class at our local fire station. It is almost like a mini date night where we get to practice putting tourniquets on each other's arms. Ha!

8pm - Wrestling on the living room floor.

9pm - The last child just went to bed and I attempt to read my newest library book for a few minutes before Andrew wakes up.
Good night!

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