Wednesday, November 7, 2018


I always assumed that Andrew would be a late talker. Probably because his big brothers were both a bit delayed with their speech. But also because I figured he would take on the classic "baby" role in the family, and let everyone else do the talking for him.
Boy was I wrong! Andrew has had a huge language explosion this past month, and he is now officially a chatterbox. He is now to the point where he will try to repeat anything we say. He has names for all of us (Mama, Dada, Ry-Ry, Googy for Lukey, and Nenna). He yells "Hi Papa!" anytime my Dad comes over. He asks specifically for cheese, milk, wawa, jew (juice), chip, bar.
 Andrew is not shy about getting what he wants. He demands to go "outside", "upstairs", "stroller", and "bath".  He tells me "poop" when his diaper needs changing. He can name a few animals and their sounds. "Roar!" And Andrew still screams at me to "GO!" when I stop at a stoplight.
 "Bup, Bup, Bup". This is the word we use when our toddlers learn to scoot down the stairs. If I tell Andrew he needs to "bup" he will sit down and say the word while he scoots. He not only says everything, but he is really receptive. The other day I put him on the couch with a stack of books and he looked up at me and said "Read books couch?"
Just yesterday after Jenna left with cousin Lyla to go to school, Andrew said "Girls School?" He kept looking at me and asking this over and over. I confirmed to him that yes, the girls were at school.
I can't believe I am having little conversations with my 20-month old. Andrew is such a fun (and loud!) little guy.

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