Sunday, August 19, 2018

Folsom Lake With Family

We had so much fun yesterday going to Folsom Lake with Uncle Sean, Aunt Nicole, and cousins Ryan and Shayla!

We tested out some sharks in our driveway before hitting the road.
 The kids were so excited to go to the beach for one last summer adventure.
 Andrew was super goofy next to me in the car.
 And Lucas was super tired.
We drove to Granite Bay Beach at Folsom Lake and it felt much closer than I expected. Once there we had a good half mile walk down to the water. With 4 little kids we obviously had a lot of stuff to carry, so we were all really hot when we got to the shore.
The water felt so refreshing! It went out quite a ways before it got deeper, so there was a lot of area for the kids to play in. And Lucas and Jenna both wore life jackets, which helped to ease my worried Momma mind a bit.
 Selfie while nursing Andrew in the tent!
 We took a break for some snacking and then got back in the water because we were hot!
 We headed home around dinnertime, tired from our afternoon in the sun.
And that evening we all piled onto Mommy and Daddy's bed and assessed our tans and sunburns. (Jenna burnt a bit on her face and arms, poor girl. She looks SO much better today though.) My big boys just tan!
We are so glad Sean and Nicole suggested we join them at the lake! The kids have already asked me at least 3 times today if we can go back soon.

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