Sunday, March 21, 2021

Day in the Life - Homeschooling 5 Kids!

My day in the life begins the night before, when I was reading The Jungle Book to the kids in the playroom. Ryan grabbed my phone and put a strange filter over my head, of course.

Cousin Bella spent the night! Ryan and Bella got up early in the morning to make homemade mini donuts.
The gang's all up!
Every day while we eat breakfast, I read from the Child's Story Bible (love!) and also work on memorizing scripture with the kids. 

We are using the system from Simply Charlotte Mason and so far it's going well!

We began schoolwork with Ryan and Lucas working on their IEW writing program together. They watched their video and created a key word outline. (Looks like I was also getting science ready)
While the boys were occupied, I sat and did Language Arts with Jenna. She's still using Level K from the Good and the Beautiful and we're loving it!
Teaching my child to read has been such a joy. This particular lesson had her hopping on index cards, reading words, and then hopping some more!
Lucas did his online piano lesson......
And Andrew and I took a reading break!
Cousin Bella did her language arts. This girl is such a great reader!
Jenna finished her Kindergarten math book!!
The girls took a sticker book break while I helped the boys with something.
And then everyone jumped in the trampoline and got some wiggles out.
Lunch was smoothies and hot dogs. Oops, looks like someone was still in their PJs at this point.
After we ate, we headed outside to begin our space science lesson for the day. I drew a line and we learned about how far the planets are from each other.
We measured how far we could run in 10 seconds, and compared this to the speed of light. Some neighbor kids were done with school for the day, so they ended up watching our science lesson!
Not sure what he was doing. Let's just assume it was highly educational.
We had plans to meet my sister at a new-to-us park where they have concrete slides!
This hidden spot was so fun!
Ryan had built a car out of a cardboard box earlier that week, so of course he brought it to slide down in.
That evening after an early dinner, we sat down to finish our science lesson from earlier. We began by reading about stars in this book.
And finished up by watching a video that was recommended by our science curriculum (while eating cereal)

A busy but productive day at home with 5 kids!