Sunday, February 28, 2021

Andrew: Four

 Happy 4th Birthday Andrew John Nullmeyer!

How is my baby 4 years old?? Andrew, you are such a loud, stubborn, hilarious, dramatic, fun-loving, naughty little addition to our family. You keep us all on our toes (and take after your brothers a lot!)

During a typical day, while your siblings are doing schoolwork, you are often enjoying activities like flooding the bathroom, cutting open packages of cookies with scissors, or dumping out 5,000 legos. You are an extremely curious and active guy. No sitting still learning how to hold a've got bigger things to do....and say! 

You are a huge talker. You basically never stop talking, and the kids get really frustrated when they just need a minute of quiet. But your verbal skills are pretty amazing, and you say the funniest things. Your current favorite activity is to stand in the playroom window upstairs and shout things out the window at the neighborhood kids. You love reciting lines from the movie Home Alone.

When I asked you what you want for your birthday, your response was "I want a gun that shoots all the way to Australia!"

A phrase we often say is "Where's Andrew??"  I am constantly losing you because you like to wander off or intentionally hide from me. You love playing with your siblings and the older neighborhood kids. You ride your bike around with them and act like you're 5 years older than you are. You also love to disappear down the street without telling me, which gives me major anxiety on a daily basis.

You are a good eater, and you eat far more variety than your big brothers. While you do enjoy sneaking treats, you will also happily eat brussels sprouts, broccoli and asparagus served at dinner. You will happily scarf down 2 eggs, a smoothie, and sausage first thing in the morning. 

Unfortunately, you have un-potty-trained yourself. You were totally trained at day and night, and then you started having accidents, and now you basically pee through 5-10 outfits a day. You're back in pull-ups and I have no idea how we got here. I'm sick of all the extra laundry, that's for sure!

You are known around here as a major drink stealer. If someone sets their cup down, you will find it and drink out of it. Everyone yells at you about this, but you gleefully continue to taste everyone's drinks on a daily basis. Also, you look totally like your big brother Ryan in this picture!!

Andrew, you are my air-guitar-playing, hot-wheel toting, co-sleeping, possibly left-handed, candy-hiding, Chris Stapleton-singing, absolutely loveable Mama's Boy. 

We all love you so very much, and can't wait to see what life is like for you as a big 4 year old!

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