Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Lazy Summer Day In The Life

Our days are kind of all blending together as the summer goes on. This was a random day earlier this week, mostly spent at home. I'll start the night before, after dinner.

This is the face of a little boy who has way too much whipped cream in his mouth!
 It was about 7pm and we sat down as a family to do the first lesson of our Safety Unit. This is a "The Good and the Beautiful" science unit.
I think Adam missed his calling as an architect. He drew up a beautiful sketch of our house so we could talk about escape routes in the case of a fire.

6:30am - The next morning Adam left for work and there was actually a chill in the air! (Of course this chill was totally gone about an hour later.)
Out in the garage I tried to figure out what to defrost for dinner. Let's see, chicken breast? Ground beef? Pork Roast? Whole Chicken? Something vegetarian that my kids won't eat? I just can't seem to meal plan these days....I don't know what's wrong with me! I blame it on quarantine brain.
After a little bit of Bible Reading (I'm still going through this amazing devotional....highly recommend it!!), I sit down to do some Usborne computer work. I photograph the resources for our upcoming Marine Biology unit.
 And take a few minutes to look through some of our beautiful books.

Adam had made himself a smoothie to take to work, and he left me a little bit. I slice open a boiled egg and eat quickly as Andrew wakes up.
 He LOVES "eggies!"
 Jenna is up and quite pleased with her outfit for the day.
 And this is me, messy bun, glasses, zero makeup, and some basic shirt and shorts. I mean, it's 100 degrees most days, and we literally go nowhere........
I tell the kids they have the opportunity to earn some fun stuff today, like video games, swimming, and a movie. First they have to earn it by doing chores!
 Our Imperfect Produce delivery arrives! I love using this service a couple times a month to help fill in anything I'm missing from the store. Try it here and get $10 off!
 This new bread looks so good I have to try a slice.
 And then the box is turned in to a car.
 Andrew and Jenna try out their new Usborne matching game!
While they play, I make a batch of peanut butter oatmeal bars for Adam to take in his lunches to work.
 Clean up, and immediately make lunch for the kids.
 After lunch I need to put Andrew down for a nap, so I instruct the other kids to each read quietly. Lucas settles on his bed.....
 Ryan is out front on the porch swing (NOT reading)
 And Jenna is looking at books in her room.
Andrew won't nap (his napping days are numbered. I've never had a child this old (3.5) who still naps.) But I'm able to distract him with the train track in the playroom for a few minutes, so I can read a few pages of my book!
 After quiet time Jenna tries on her new bathing suit.
I put away some laundry and talk to Ryan. (he's bored)
 We are starting a new read-aloud book today! We just finished this one, and all the kids enjoyed it!
 After we read a couple chapters we go to my parents' house for a swim!
We stay outside swimming and snacking for a couple hours.
Back at home it's 5pm so I get to work on the dishes. I assign the kids a few new chores to earn a movie/frozen yogurt night.
 Lucas does laundry and the other kids vacuum and pick up toys.
The kids earn their movie and watch The Brave Little Toaster. Adam is home now so he BBQs dinner for us.
Burgers and corn.
After dinner Adam buys the kids frozen yogurt and I put Andrew to bed. (He didn't nap, so he's tired!) Adam then goes to a friend's house, so I head out front with the 3 big kids.
They ride bikes and we end up sitting in the driveway doing silly word games that I found in a magazine. I would give the kids 2 words, and they had to come up with 2 synonyms that rhymed. For example, if I said "squashed kitten", the answer would be fat cat. "upset parent" would be mad dad. It was a fun game for the boys.
I finally get all the kids in bed around 9:30....or maybe more like 10pm. Ryan is the worst with bedtime, and always ends up in my room a million times. I know he is stalling, but it does seem like the only time we can talk without interruptions. I finally send him to bed and read for a few minutes before Adam gets home.

And that's the end of another lazy summer quarantine day!

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