Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Lucas: Eight

Happy 8th Birthday Lucas Reid Nullmeyer!!
It's so hard for me to believe you are 8, and will be entering 3rd grade in the Fall. That just sounds so big and grown-up!
Your personality is still such a varied combination of traits. You are focused and hard-working, as well as totally goofy and silly. You can be very moody, but you also have the best sense of humor! You are aggressive and easily angered, as well as my sweetest most affectionate child.
For example, you made me feel really special on Mother's Day by fixing me my favorite snack. And just last night, when you realized I hadn't gotten any of the ice cream, you scooped the last scoop out of your ice cream bowl and put it back in the container for me. So sweet and thoughtful!! You then climbed up on the counter to get me a bowl, and fell and hurt your foot.
Which leads me to my next are constantly getting hurt. I never knew a child could get hurt so much. It's almost always minor, but you always huddle up in a ball and cry for a while, and the rest of us have no idea what's wrong with you.  (This was you last week with a black eye)
And if there's a blanket nearby, you'll hide under it. In fact, you are always cold, and even during the summer you can be found snuggled under a blanket on the couch, or even at the dinner table.
You and your brother Ryan are still super competitive with each other, and tend to butt heads a LOT. However, I have noticed the two of you really bonding as you've gotten older. During the quarantine you've obviously been spending a ton of time together, and that has led to some really wonderful playtime where you'd actually getting along.
I mean, you do some really weird things together, but being weird is better than fighting.
Random facts about you: You are my happiest child first thing in the morning. You have the coolest color eyes. You make up amazing stories starring your made-up character, Mr. Pickle. You're a math whiz. You still call me Mommy. You love being scratched. You are good at playing independently.  You have a really strange (and annoying) fake voice you use that totally annoys your Daddy. You are very strong!
 And just for fun, here you are at 8 months. What a cutie!!
Overall this year I have a seen a slight shift in you. You are slightly less crazy, and slightly more aloof. Maybe a little more self-aware.  I see more big-kid qualities emerging, like confidence when speaking to adults, and being more responsible around the house. It makes me both happy and sad, as I want you to stay young and innocent, but I also want you to grow and mature in to the man God created you to be.
Lucas you are such an awesome kid. We say this all the time.....once you figure out how to better handle your anger and frustration, you are going to do amazing things. You are such a special boy and we love you so much! Happy birthday Lukey!

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