Saturday, June 27, 2020

I'm an Usborne Book Consultant!

Most of you already know by now, but back in April I signed up to be an Usborne book consultant! Here is a little of the WHY behind my decision, and an honest look into what being a book consultant is like behind the scenes!
I've been buying Usborne books for my kids for a few years now and we LOVE them. I've hosted parties online through other consultants, and earned a bunch of books for free over the years. Their books are SO fun, inviting, colorful, and educational! In addition to their huge selection of fiction, they have the BEST selection of exciting nonfiction for kids. They are known for their lift-the-flap books, but we also love their shine-a-light books, bedtime stories, and chapter books for the boys. Really, I just love them all.
So back in April I attended a party where I had the opportunity to win FREE books for a year. I got additional entries in to the contest for signing up to be a consultant (for only $30....seriously!). Signing up also came with a free $30 book credit, so I figured why not? I'd get some books, potentially win a ton for free, and that would be it. There were NO sales minimums, no inventory to store, and really zero risk.  I scheduled my first book party and was blown away by how easy and fun it was. And I made money! For the first time in 10 years, I received a paycheck! (What a blessing that first paycheck was. Adam was in the ER and hospital with kidney stones, and it covered all our bills!)
I scheduled a few more parties through friends and my income grew. With Adam home from work, it seemed like the perfect time to make a little extra money. I initially felt bad about my time spent on the computer, away from my kids. So we talked to the kids and decided all of my Usborne money would go in to a family account, and be saved for a fun family outing. I had no idea how quickly that money would grow. (Spoiler: We just went on a family vacation, paid for mostly with my book income!) This little business I just signed up for has become such an unexpected blessing. And all money aside, it has been a big confidence booster to do something well and be recognized for it. And did I mention it's fun??
So what is it like being a book lady? Well, it is pretty simple. I am given all the graphics and training necessary to easily create online parties. I use either Facebook or another platform called Sqweee. I can set them up ahead of time, so that during the parties all I do is chat online with the guests and tell them how great the books are. I would NEVER consider myself a salesperson. The thing is, I love these books so much that all of my excitement about them is 100% genuine. I have never forced myself to be "salesy". I hope my love for the books comes through in my blog posts, online parties, etc.
If you are in the market for some new books or activities for any of the kids in your life, I would be so humbled if you used my shopping link! I also have my own group on Facebook called Usborne with Stephanie! I post a few times a week about literacy tips, everyday life in our family with books, new titles, and fun giveaways! If you are ever interested in hosting an online party (totally easy!) and earning some free books for your family, let me know! I'm always available to give book recommendations, and I love helping to pick out the perfect books for kids, and in turn encouraging their excitement about reading. Growing up with a love for books is SO important. Happy reading!


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