Sunday, March 3, 2013

Lucas: 9 Months

Lucas, if I had one word to describe you this month it would be strong!! You amaze me with not only your physical strength, but also your vocal strength, and increasingly, your strength of will. Who knew my laid back, sensitive little Lucas would turn in to such a brave and daring boy?

Your strength surprises me every day, particularly when I am changing your diaper. It has become such a wrestling match it's ridiculous. You wiggle and squirm until you are upside down in a push-up position, with me holding your legs in the air, trying as hard as I can to turn you back over. It's nearly impossible. Holding you is really difficult because you are constantly trying to climb up me and leap out of my arms.

I'm feeding you a lot of foods these days right off of my plate. The other night you had tiny bites of salmon, quinoa, and broccoli for dinner. I still give you jarred baby food for convenience sometimes, as well as nurse you about every 4 hours.

You put everything in your mouth and drool like crazy, but still only have 4 teeth.

Your sleep has gotten a bit better this month. You still consistently take 2-3 naps per day, and you have been sleeping in 4 hour stretches at night. (Except for this past week. Sigh).

You are so great about playing independently. As long as you are well rested and fed, I can usually set you down with your toys and you will happily play without crying for me. Although your separation anxiety is pretty strong these days. If someone else tries to hold you, you let us know pretty quickly that you prefer Mommy's arms.
Your cowlick on the front of your head is more noticeable than ever, since it swirls your hair into a circle on your forehead. Your Daddy calls it your "Swoopity-swoop".
 Likes: Bathtime with Ryan, cheerios, crawling after the dog, standing
Dislikes: Being changed, being tired, having your nose wiped
When I asked your Daddy what word he would use to describe you right now, he did not hesitate before saying "Crazy".

I love you, my crazy strong baby Lucas!

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