Tuesday, November 21, 2023


Happy 9th Birthday Jenna Mae Nullmeyer!

My precious girl, you are such a sweet light in our family. You constantly surprise me with your mix of personality traits. You are gentle, but fierce on the soccer field. 

You are shy, but brave enough to sing on a big stage. 

You are calm but also incredibly animated!

You are peaceful, but willing to stand up to your brothers. 

You are easily pleased and content, but will make a big fuss if you are being mistreated. 

You are still obsessed with anything soft and squishy and cute. Top of your birthday and Christmas list are squishies, stuffed animals, and squishmallows. 

A lot of your free time is spent playing with Andrew. The two of you will get lost in imaginary play, making a "store", a "library", or a "hotel". I am then asked to come and be a guest or customer. You guys make a giant mess but I love seeing how creative you are!

You used to be my best eater, but you've gotten much pickier this year. You pretty much live on bread. Your favorite breakfast is a toasted Morning Round. You love pancakes, waffles, PB sandwiches, rolls, garlic bread, sourdough....pretty much anything bread-like. 

You really hate math, but you absolutely love reading, writing, and anything involving a story. You love being read to for school or just enjoyment, and your reading comprehension is excellent. Every night in bed you fly through an entire chapter book. You'll bring me your finished book at 10pm and then ask what you should read next. I adore all the cute little stories you write.... maybe you will be an author/illustrator someday?

Jenna, I definitely see a lot of similarities between you and your "Mama". (You are my only child who calls me that). You are shy just like I was as a child. You love being organized and making lists. You made a 4-page itinerary and shopping list for your birthday, and you've even got a menu planner all filled out.

Happy Birthday my amazing, cute, creative, innocent, thoughtful, crazy, patient, beautiful little girl. We all love you so much!

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