Thursday, May 20, 2021

Ryan and Andrew Well-Checks

Ryan and Andrew had their 11 yr and 4 yr doctor checkups earlier in May. It had been a long time since we'd been there, so I was curious to see how they had grown....particularly Ryan!

Here are their stats:


Height: 4 feet 7 inches (29%)

Weight: 77 lbs (45%)

The boy has grown! Ryan's height percentile has never been over 20%, so it was fun to see his height creeping up. (Two years ago his height percentile was 16%, and the year before is was 13%)


Height: 3 feet 4 inches (45%)

Weight: 37 lbs (55%)

Andrew is pretty average in his height and weight!

Everything with the boys checked out fine, except for Andrew's hearing. He failed his test, so they did a follow up test in the office that was not dependent on him having to listen to noises and raise his hand. He failed this one as well, so we were advised to see a specialist the following week. 

When they asked me if he ever seemed to have a hard time hearing us, I had to laugh. The boy doesn't listen, and he goes around shouting all the time. I wondered if he could actually have a hearing problem?? Thankfully he passed his in-depth hearing test with flying colors, so we now have confirmation that his "I didn't hear you" statements are based on selective hearing and not an actual issue with his ears.

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