Friday, February 28, 2025

Andrew - EIGHT

Happy 8th Birthday Andrew John Nullmeyer!! You and your siblings are now 8, 10, 12 and 14. 

8 years old feels like such a big milestone!

This year you grew a lot, played a lot of sports, ate a lot of food, made huge strides in your reading skills, sang a lot of songs that annoyed your siblings, built a lot of forts, and moved into your own room. 

You spend a lot of time with Jenna, and you are both currently obsessed with water coloring birds.

Sometimes Jenna drags you in to her creative play and I try to sneak a picture whenever I can, because I know it won't be long before you're "too cool" to play with her.

Your favorite subject in school is math, and you enjoy it because it is easy. You are very confident and a bit of a "know-it-all". Certain things come very easily to you, and that can make you a bit cocky when someone is trying to talk to you and explain something. On the flip side of this, you can become frustrated very quickly is something feels hard.

(Look at your Nullmeyer nose!)

You also spend a lot of time with your big brothers, mostly playing hockey or soccer out in the street. They do NOT go easy on you just because you're the youngest. Definitely no special treatment for this baby of the family!

You are still a big eater. 3 regular meals plus many snacks each and every day. You definitely grew a lot this year, and you are my biggest 8-year-old when compared to your siblings at this age. (You weigh the same as Jenna, who is 10) If you're hungry and not able to eat right away, you can become quite "hangry". 

You are my most cuddly and affectionate boy. Your brothers have always had an aggressive side to them, but you've never been that way. You do get upset, but you're much more likely to go and cry than lash out and hit someone. You love to wrap your arms around me and say "My Mommy" in your sweet little boy voice. I love how in tune you are to others' feelings. And of course, you still sneak into our bed most nights and sleep with your arms wrapped around me!


Color: Teal

Food: Homemade Pizza that Daddy makes in his outdoor pizza oven

Drink: Root Beer

Place To Go: Great Wolf Lodge

Friend: Noah

School Subject: Math

You seem like such a big boy now to me, especially now that you have your own room. You often go in your room and just sit and listen to music (reminds me of your teenage brother!). However, you don't play with your toys in your room very much, and you explained that it's because you don't want to make your room messy. 

You are about to start playing baseball AND soccer at the same time. 

Happy 8th Birthday Andrew! We love you so very much and pray that God would bless you and watch over your coming and going. (You got your own Bible for Christmas, and you've highlighted your special verses that were given to you at your baby dedication. Psalm 121:5-8) 

Just for fun, here are your brothers when they turned 8!