Monday, April 29, 2024

Ryan - Fourteen

Happy 14th Birthday Ryan James Nullmeyer! I can't believe I just typed the number 14.

You have changed SO much this past year. You've grown a ton and look more like a young man than a big kid. You are almost as tall as me, and your feet are officially bigger. You've grown your hair out a bit into a different style. You now shop in the men's section and wear your Dad's hand-me-down clothes. I just feel like your mind and body are going through so many changes right now and you're developing into a new person right before my eyes! 

Here you are at 13 vs 14.

I wrote this last year on your birthday and it is still 100% you: Your personality is a combination of super serious and moody, with a strong desire for fun thrown in. You enjoy listening to adults talk and will often hang out with them at a social gathering, rather than do anything silly with younger kids. You come across as very "cool" and aloof to people who don't know you. At the same time, you love all things fun and seek it out whenever possible. Doing anything mundane or routine is like torture for you.

You still love soccer and sports just come naturally to you. After your outdoor rec season ended in November, you signed up for an indoor team and were able to play for a few months (with Lucas on your team!) (You are so much taller than Lucas now!)

You are: mechanical, clever, messy, self-aware, argumentative, hands-on, athletic, impulsive, strong, sensitive, moody, competitive. You love: cars, friends, RC cars, junk food, Garfield, music, watching hockey, playing soccer. You hate: healthy food, cleaning your room, being bored, being told no, having your picture taken.

You still love all things car related. In particular, you are obsessed with RC cars. You love driving them, fixing them, and researching them. You remind me so much of your Daddy when I met him.


Food - Big Greasy Cheeseburgers

Drink - Root Beer

Color - Teal

Subject - Math

Friend - David

Sport - Soccer

Place - Our House

Lucas is still your main buddy (despite the constant fighting and competition and picking on each other). When he isn't around, you seem a bit lost without him.

However, you've developed pretty strong friendships with a couple boys at the place where you take classes. 

Despite not loving school or anything academic, you've really come a long way this year as an 8th grader. You infuse your writing with a special humor that makes me laugh out loud.  Your history notes are full of weird cartoon drawings because you will take any opportunity to turn a lesson into something funny. You often do your independent work up in your room while listening to loud music. It's hard to believe I'm in the middle of planning your high school classes!

Your physical strength really developed this year, and I will sadly admit that you now beat me in arm wrestling. There's a lot of arm wrestling in our house! You are becoming more and more helpful with bigger projects with Dad, whether it's lifting heavy things, using electric tools, or car maintenance. I know he appreciates your helpfulness!
I love you so much Ryan. My prayer for you is that you would continue to mature into the special man God created you to be. That you would be strong and confident in your skills, work to your potential, and still be humble and kind. Happy Birthday my handsome son Ryan!

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