Saturday, August 3, 2019

Hiding Monkey

Andrew is such a little monkey these days! For example, I will leave the room for a few minutes and come back to find him sitting on the kitchen counter. 
He scales the cabinets to reach high places and scares me every time! Andrew is the type of toddler that needs to have eyes on him at all times. Because if I don't know where he is, he is probably up to no good. 

Case in point: Andrew loves to hide. He thinks it is so funny to hide under the covers and be completely quiet until someone finds him. Or behind the curtains. Or inside a closet.
It's all fun and games until it's not. The other day we had a cooler sitting by our front door for our vacation. We were all in the kitchen preparing lunch when I noticed I hadn't heard Andrew in a little while. It had only been a few minutes but I knew we needed to find him ASAP. We spread out throughout the house looking for him. And oh my goodness, he was inside the cooler! He had scrunched himself up in to a little ball and closed the lid on himself. Thankfully he was fine, but that scared me so much. We immediately got that cooler out of the house.
A few days later we had a cooler about half the size, that we had used on our trip. Adam made some comment about it being fine because it was too small for Andrew to fit inside of. Well guess where I found him a few minutes later? Curled up inside with the lid shut tight. Lesson learned....I literally can't take my eyes off my little hiding monkey!!


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