Wednesday, July 17, 2019

My 37th Birthday

Happy Birthday to me! Yikes, here I am first thing at 6am on my birthday yesterday.
Every year since Adam and I were dating as teenagers, he has brought me donuts for breakfast on my birthday. I love them but do not eat them any other time of the year, so they're a special tradition.
 Andrew eats the sausage and eggs I make him, but not his chocolate donut. Go figure!
 After Adam leaves for work I let the kids watch cartoons (I rarely let them watch TV in the morning!) so I can shower.
I'm in the middle of a good book (Need To Know), so after I get some laundry and dishes going, I treat myself to 10 minutes on the back deck with my book. I love this shady spot under our trees.
 Jenna sleeps in and is confused about the TV and donut situation.
 My Mom comes over and joins us at a local water park.
 Jenna and Lucas get drenched.
 Andrew gets a little wet and stops for a banana break.
 My birthday is the one day that I allow myself to eat whatever I want....with no guilt! My Mom treats me to greek food from a local Mediterranean place called Wally's CafĂ©. It's good!
She gives me my favorite candy, some birthday money, and a gardening book. I don't have a green thumb but I really want to learn more about improving my vegetable garden.
 Grandma Jan stops by and gives me this picture frame of the kids!
After lunch I get the boys settled in the family room with their legos. And they honestly play really well together for about 20 minutes. It is amazing. I fold laundry and pick up the house. Then I go upstairs to find Andrew took off his (poopy) diaper and peed all over Jenna's bed. While I'm cleaning it up I hear the boys break out in a huge fight downstairs. Typical day around here.
I typically make myself my own birthday cake. In the past I have made a delicious Tres Leches cake, but this year I decide on Pioneer Woman's Chocolate Texas Sheet Cake. It is the only chocolate cake I like. Lucas wants to help me.
After the cake is in the oven I relax in the backyard again with my book. Adam gets home from work and goes back out to pick up dinner.
I have been craving fettuccine alfredo, so we order food from Via Roma's. Note to the locals: they have the BEST caesar salad! Unfortunately the alfredo has lots of mushrooms (ugh) and I really don't like the taste of the sauce.
 After a meal of mostly salad, I am ready to open presents and eat my cake!
Adam gives me a new candle, some cactus things that you put in the dryer to reduce static, and wireless headphones for running!

 After chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream, I suggest we play a new game. We often play the game of telephone at the table, or another game where we go around the table and each say 1 word, forming a long silly run-on sentence. For this new game, we each had 5 seconds to draw something. Then the next person had to add on to that picture for 5 seconds. We kept contributing to the picture until it turned into something. Here are our finished products.
It wouldn't be a normal day without some sort of home repair project. Ryan helps us hang my newly painted shelf up on the wall in the dining room.
Lucas unfortunately has a bad asthma cough, so he ends up sleeping in our room. I sneak downstairs to open my ear buds and get them ready for my run in the morning. You can see the felt picture Ryan started coloring for my birthday.
And that was my birthday. I am surrounded by generous and loving family, and I have everything I could ever need or want. What a blessed 37-year old I am!

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