Thursday, May 30, 2019

Summer Plans

5 days left of school and then its summer!! Everyone I know is always so excited for their kids to be out of school. And I am an extent. I'm just such a practical realist that I can't help but think about what summer is really like when your kids are home all day.

No more packing lunches! (I don't get it....I still have to prepare lunch for 4 kids every day in the summer. And breakfast. And dinner. And snacks.)

Sleeping in! (Is this even a thing if you have little kids??)

Days full of fun and play! (Days full of arguing kids!)

It's just a big change going from 2 kids to 4 kids at home, know what I mean?
As tempting as it is to just keep our days wide open for fun, I find my kids (and I) do a lot better when we have some sort of a simple routine to our days. Every once in a while we might stay in our PJs and watch cartoons in the morning.....but I don't let that happen very often. Because it always leads to grumpy disobedient kids. 

So I have spent the last few weeks making summer plans. Some are bigger things, like VBS programs at a few local churches. We are also going on a little vacation in July. Other more simple plans are things like taking a picnic to the park, doing a lemonade stand, or taking advantage of $1 kid movies at the local movie theater. 
 Ryan made this list for me. I think it's a good mix of big and little plans. And if you can read the last item, NO we are not going to Tahoe for a year. Hopefully for a day or two though!

How do you handle summer with your kids? Crammed full of activities? Completely free and wide open? And do you look forward to it? Please share!

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