Saturday, December 17, 2016

Our December So Far

If I had to give the last few weeks a theme, it would be "Let It Go". I feel like I always have these expectations about the Christmas season, and then I'm reminded of what reality is like with young children.

I wanted to attend various Christmas events at church. I pictured us strolling the local streets to look at Christmas lights. I imagined myself being done with shopping by now. I thought maybe we'd even squeeze in a trip to the snow. And surely I'd find time to mail out beautiful Christmas cards.

I've had to let it all go.

We've all had a lingering cold for about a month now. It has started to go away for a few of us at various times, and then returned. Jenna even had to get a chest x-ray a few weeks ago to check for pneumonia. Earlier this week I noticed Lucas' cough was pretty persistent, so I took him to the doctor. He listened to one breath and said "Oh yea, that's all I need to hear. He's wheezing like crazy". I was surprised, since Lucas has been on two daily inhalers for the last few months. His doctor said if his asthma was being controlled by the inhalers, he wouldn't be wheezing so badly. So he is now on a daily pill called Singulair. And this week he has been on oral steroids. The doctor had us give him a double dose the first night. And let me tell you.....Lucas on steroids is NUTS. Like we're walking to school and all of a sudden he jumps out of the stroller and runs in to the middle of the street. Or he will randomly grab Jenna and start shaking her violently. Or he will rush at me and start slamming his head into my stomach. It's been an interesting week.

We tried to look at Christmas lights a couple weeks ago but Ryan started getting carsick after a few blocks so we had to cut that short. And Adam and I went out Christmas shopping today for the first time this month. I feel so behind!
Despite all the sickness we have managed to squeeze in a few fun things this month.

I need to remind myself that this month will feel magical for the kids despite a few setbacks. They don't care that I didn't send out Christmas cards. They aren't missing the Elf on the Shelf because they have no clue who he even is. They don't mind that the house was a disaster during the week that I baked Christmas cookies. They just love eating my frosted sugar cookies and singing along while I try to play Christmas songs on the piano without any sheet music.

And most importantly, as Ryan keeps reminding all of us: "It's almost God's birthday!"

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog I hope little pumpkin gets better
