Thursday, September 30, 2010
Chubby Baby
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Ryan: 5 Months
Love you Baby Ryan!!
Weighty Wednesday: No Change
Stats and Goals for Week 17:
Lbs Lost This Week: 0
Lbs Lost So Far: 24
Lbs Left To Lose: 6
Monday, September 27, 2010
I have to admit there have been times during the last 5 months when I have questioned why he was given to me. I've felt like I'm not the best mom for him. He tries my patience and he's not even talking yet! He makes me cry sometimes when he JUST WON'T SLEEP. I've questioned whether I'm the right person to raise this little boy.
But I am! God hand-picked me to be his mommy. I have been blessed with the gift of my sweet baby boy and God will give me everything I need to be a good mom. I have a feeling that God is going to teach me many important lessons about myself as I raise Ryan. Maybe even more than I will teach my son.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Carly May
Silly babies weren't looking at the camera! Please excuse the spit up all over my son's pants. I can't wait until they're both old enough to play together!
Congratulations Jon and Danielle! Your daughter is beautiful and we are so happy for you!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Foodie Friday: A Well Stocked Pantry
My Pantry:
Thursday, September 23, 2010
4 Years
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Weighty Wednesday: A Total Fluke
I got out jogging a few times but only increased my total running time to 10 minutes. Most days Ryan was not in the mood for a walk. So I'm blaming this one on him.
Stats and Goals for Week 16:
Lbs Lost This Week: 2
Lbs Lost So Far: 24
Lbs Left to Lose: 6
I'm all out of ideas for goals. I think going forward I'm going to just try and be my healthiest. Get out for a walk every day. Eat dessert, but in moderation. Try to eat as many fruits and veggies as possible and eat whole grains as a substitute for white starchy carbs. I'll still check back in each week to record my weight loss for accountability, at least until these last 6 lbs are gone!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
My Little Monkey
Ryan tried bananas last week and loves them! I think he likes the sweetness. I'd like to give him a vegetable next. Any ideas? I'm thinking either carrots, peas, or some type of squash.
I don't want to jinx it, but wanted you all to know that Ryan has been sleeping through the night this past week! I'm still not able to sleep because I'm so used to waking up every hour. But hopefully that will change soon. Let's hope he keeps this up!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Because today we're going to the fair!
That is the extent of my rhyming skills.
Don't you think he has my eyes?
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Is it just me, or does he look like he got caught doing something wrong?
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Weighty Wednesday: Temptation
Stats and Goals for Week 15:
Lbs Lost This Week: 0
Lbs Lost So Far: 22
Lbs Left to Lose: 8
Food Goal: Let's try this agian. No dessert!
Fitness Goal: My goal this week is to work my way to jogging for 15 minutes, or 1 mile.....whichever comes first.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
MOPS stands for "Mothers of Preschoolers". It is a Christian organization that gathers together mothers of kids 5 and under. They meet twice a month for a couple hours and do all sorts of things....guest speakers, crafts, prayer, food, book discussions.....but the best part is the fellowship with other moms. I stepped into the room yesterday and instantly felt it was where God wanted me to be.
Everyone was so NICE. At least 5 people offered to hold baby Ryan. (Maybe they were trying to be helpful, maybe he's just too cute not to hold). I felt so welcomed and by the end I had made up my mind to join. I think it will help to fill a void in my life.....Christian fellowship with other young moms.
If you have MOPS in your area, I'd definitely recommend it. I know they are located in 30 countries around the world, (I won a t-shirt for guessing this!) so chances are good there's one near you.
Monday, September 13, 2010
He's All Boy
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Foodie Friday: Chorizo
I think if you didn't grow up eating certain foods, it can be really hard to develop a taste for them. For example, I grew up eating lamb sometimes, while Adam did not. He just doesn't like the taste of it, whereas it seems normal to me.
I prepared the traditional chorizo for Adam and a healthier version for myself. Or, as Adam would call it, the "white girl" version.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Weighty Wednesday: Slow and Steady
Stats and Goals for Week 14:
Lbs Lost This Week: 1
Lbs Lost So Far: 22
Lbs Left to Lose: 8
Food Goal: It worked before so I'm doing it again. No dessert for one week!
Fitness Goal: I've started jogging a little bit during my daily walks with Ryan. I want to continue to do this, going just a little bit further each day. Although I doubt I'll be able to get back to where I was before I had Ryan (training for a half-marathon), at least a little jogging each day should increase my stamina and help me lose these last stubborn pounds.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Rice Cereal
Monday, September 6, 2010
OK so I'm being funny. But honestly, that little scenario is not all that far from the truth. I did make zucchini bread recently using zucchini from the farmer's market and lemon juice from my backyard lemon bush. Ryan does wear cloth diapers, I do breastfeed, and I plan on making at least some of his baby food myself. Somewhere along the way I have turned into a granola mom!
I always said it would never happen. Turn into a health-nut like my mom, that is. Sorry mom, but growing up we thought it was weird! My sister, brother and I affectionately referred to the bread we used to eat as "tree-bark" bread because of its abundance of nuts and seeds.
So yes, I may have become a bit granola since having Ryan. But the choices I make are what I think is best for my family. And they make me happy.
Oh and just for the record, I have made homemade granola and it was delicious.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Foodie Friday: Freeze-Ahead Meals
I made Pioneer Woman's Lasagna first. It was very rich and meaty, just how Adam likes his lasagna.
Then I made my friend Jen's Mexican Casserole. Yummy! My friend Jen made this for me shortly after Ryan was born and I really appreciated the home-cooked meal.
There are tons of casserole recipes out there that are ideal for making and freezing. Some are even healthy! Here's a link to a few that I'd like to try. 10 Healthy Casseroles
What do you think? Have you ever made freezer meals?
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Ahh Gheee
"I saw your baby at the store today"
"Actually, I heard your baby at the store today"
"No wait, actually the entire store heard your baby"
Yep. That sounds like my little boy!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
4 Month Dr. Visit
Weighty Wednesday: Hunger
Stats and Goals for Week 13:
Lbs Lost This Week: 0
Lbs Lost So Far: 21
Lbs Left to Lose: 9
Food Goal: Bring on the fruits and veggies! I've been eating everything in sight....except produce. This week I'm going to aim for 4 servings per day.
Fitness Goal: Walking! This is all I have time for.