Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Highchair Photoshoot

Look at those lips!

Monday, November 29, 2010


Hi Everybody, this is Ryan. I have been sick with a fever since Friday night. I know you are all expecting my 7-month blog post today, but I am just not up for a photo shoot. Maybe in a day or two I will be more camera-ready. I have so many fun things I can't wait to tell you. Be back soon!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

May you enjoy the day with family. Oh and try not to get too messy.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Weighty Wednesday: GOAL!

She shoots, she scores! OK so I need to preface this by saying I actually lost 1/2 a lb this week, putting me just 1/2 a lb above my goal weight. But whatever. I'm done with Weighty Wednesday, and I'm going to declare my goal accomplished. Since giving birth I have lost my 36 pregnancy pounds plus another 26, for a total of 62 pounds. If I'm being completely honest, I wouldn't mind losing 5 more, but I'm happy with where I am at now. Now bring on the Pumpkin Pie!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bless This Mess

Oh man. My house is a mess. Not just the clutter kind of mess, but the dirty, dusty, grimy kind of mess. And I just cannot stay on top of it. All of you moms out there....how do you keep your house clean? Or maybe I should ask Do you keep your house clean?

If you walked into my house right now you'd probably think it looks fine. But I'm the kind of person who is bothered when my bed isn't made. I feel lazy if I "play" before I "work". I hate leaving the house with a sink full of dishes and a pile of laundry that needs folding.

Every single day I do what I call the necessities. This includes dishes, laundry, and cooking dinner. Those things need to be done each day in order for my family to be fed and clothed. Add to that taking care of Ryan, running errands and spending time with family/friends, and that pretty much takes up my entire day.

I just can't seem to find the time to do all those other pesky household chores. Things like vacuuming (so important now that Ryan is scooting around eating tiny things off of the floor), dusting, cleaning bathrooms, mopping, gardening. I have thought about having a system in place where each day of the week is devoted to one room or activity. But so far this hasn't worked. I just can't find the time or energy.

So how do you clean? Maybe I'm just expecting too much, and it's time to lower my standards of cleanliness.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Standing Up

Ryan has been doing a lot of this lately:

Here is the proof that he did it all on his own:

Saturday, November 20, 2010


I gave Ryan a sippy cup this week. We were bored so I decided to try it. It went a little something like this:

Hmm this is new. Kind of like a baba.....

Oops dropped it.....

Got it!

Wait a second, nothing is coming out of this part.....


Friday, November 19, 2010

Foodie Friday: Squish Squash

I have had an Acorn Squash sitting on my counter for quite a while. I bought it at our local pumpkin patch and wanted to make something fun with it. I finally settled on a very fall-inspired recipe: Moroccan-Style Stuffed Acorn Squash. Isn't it cute?

Unfortunately I was underwhelmed. The flavors were just a little bland, and the squash itself had almost zero taste. Maybe I let it sit on my counter too long?

Squash is one of those foods I really want to like. Do you know what I mean? I have tried eating it a number of different ways and have just never really loved it. There are certain foods that I truly want to like because I know they are healthy. But I just don't enjoy eating them. For me, these include foods like squash, sweet potatoes, apples, pears, and nuts. Interestingly enough, I also made a recipe this week using apples. Apple Chips! Unfortunately I burned them.

So how about you? Are there any foods that you wish you liked more because you know they are good for you? Do you avoid them or eat them? I am determined to find a squash recipe I love. (Besides butternut squash ravioli. Who doesn't like that?)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Stinky Face

Ryan has a new stinky face that he makes all the time. When he does it, he breathes in through his nose, like he's smelling something bad. Sometimes he even throws in a snorting sound. I have been trying to teach him to say "Mama", but he obviously is having none of that. He just wants to practice his stinky face.

Look closely! Did you see his 4 teeth?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Weighty Wednesday: The Right Direction

I am heading in the right direction again! 2 pounds lost this week. And let me tell you, I was faced with a lot of dessert temptation this week. Adam made peanut butter brownies, then I attended a MOPS bake sale, a friend brought over apple pie, and a client gave Adam a huge Cosco tin of cookies. Did I give in and eat dessert? You betcha! But I tried to limit it to a once per day treat. I hope this week is my last Weighty Wednesday week because I'm honestly getting tired of doing this.

Stats and Goals for Week 24:
Lbs Lost This Week: 2
Lbs Lost So Far: 29
Lbs Left to Lose: 1

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Step Back

Since birth Ryan has been a challenging baby. Doesn't like to sleep and tends to be kind of needy. When people ask me if he is a good baby, unfortunately my immediate respnose is "NO". I am so wrapped up in my little mommy-bubble of wiping up puke, changing diapers, and trying to get him to sleep in his crib, that I haven't even noticed the change. But if I step back and look at the big picture, I realize that things have gotten better.

-Ryan no longer cries all day long.
-Ryan laughs and smiles more.

-He has started napping more frequently. (Only in my arms or the carseat, but still....he's napping!)

-Most nights I can eventually get him to sleep in his crib for at least 4 hours.

-Ryan can now entertain himself for longer periods of time.

It helps me to acknowledge these things. We have come such a long way from those first few colicky months!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Daddy Time

It varies from day to day. Sometimes it is as early as 4pm. Most nights it's closer to 8pm. No matter the time, it's my favorite time of day. The time when Daddy comes home from work! I always give him a big smile when he comes in the door. He always says hi to Riley the schnoodle first, because otherwise he will bark a lot. Next I get a big kiss, and finally it's Mommy's turn. Daddy can't pick me up until he takes a shower because he always comes home from work really smelly and dirty.
I hope someday I can be as big and strong as my Daddy. I love him so!

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Ryan got a new toy last week!
He really enjoyed it the first few days and it kept him entertained next to me while I cooked in the kitchen. But then he started to get frustrated because the toys are attached to the exersaucer. He wants to yank them off and throw them!So now I have resorted to giving him other "toys" while in his exersaucer. Things like measuring cups, magnets and chip clips. Ryan enjoys throwing them across the kitchen and watching me retrieve them for him. He's got me trained well!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Foodie Friday: Inside-Out Chili Rellenos

This is a recipe my mom used to make a lot for us. She called it Chili Rellenos, but because it isn't actually that, I'm naming this recipe "Inside-Out Chili Rellenos". It is an extremely easy recipe and only uses a few ingredients.

Inside-Out Chili Rellenos

6 eggs, separated
1 Tbsp flour
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/2 lb (8 oz) shredded cheese
1 can (4 oz) whole green chiles

Beat egg whites until stiff.
Beat egg yolks in separate bowl. Add in flour, salt and pepper.
Pour egg whites into egg yolks and fold in gently.
Pour half egg mixture into 9x13 inch greased baking dish.
Cut each chile in two and spread over egg mixture.
Sprinkle on cheese.
Pour remaining egg mixture on top.
Bake at 325 for 25 minutes.

We usually eat this with salsa and corn tortillas. Enjoy!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Lullabies and Baby Dals

I met 2 of my old coworkers for lunch yesterday in San Mateo. One of them snapped this photo of Ryan and I with her phone. Don't I look like such a mom?

After a lunch of sushi, I headed over to Whole Foods to satisfy my withdrawal from the beloved store. I used to have the luxury of working right across the street from the grocery store. Ryan fell asleep in his Baby Bjorn as I wandered the aisles and somehow spent a lot of money on not very much food. One of my favorite finds from yesterday was World Baby Foods! I had heard about these from a friend and was super excited to buy a few. I got Lullaby Thai, Sweetie Tahiti, Baby Dal, and Que Pasa Calabasa. I really want to expose Ryan to these unique flavors and spices as early as possible. I will let you know what he thinks!

Going out with Ryan is gradually getting easier for me. Partially because he is getting older and does not cry as much. And partly because I'm just getting more comfortable being a mom. I think my new job suits me well. =)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Trying to Climb

Trying to crawl is so yesterday.

Weighty Wednesday: Final Week?

For the first time since Ryan was born, I gained weight this week. Eeek! I am up 2 pounds, so I am back at 3 lbs away from my goal. I think it was a combination of factors that led to my gain this week. I have been craving sugar like crazy and I'm not sure why. I never had this big of a sweet tooth before Ryan came along. So I'm going to work hard to avoid desserts this week. I think I have gotten into the mindset of "Oh I'm breastfeeding so I can eat whatever I want!". But he will eventually be weaned, so that logic can't work forever.

Stats and Goals for Week 23:
Lbs Lost This Week: -2
Lbs Lost So Far: 27
Lbs Left to Lose: 3

Monday, November 8, 2010

And then I do it all over again

Before he falls asleep I make sure both my arms are in position. One underneath his body, supporting his bottom and back. The other underneath his head.

Once he is asleep I wait 5-10 more minutes just to make sure. I slowly lean forward in the rocking chair, but not too far. That would make it creak ever so slightly.

I'm up. I make sure he is still asleep and then turn towards the crib.

I hold him over the crib and begin the descent. I keep him as close to my body as possible as I lower him down. It kills my back to bend over this way but it's necessary.

Once he touches his lamby skin I count to 5 again and then gently remove the arm supporting his body.

I wait for his breathing to slow down, and then remove my hand from beneath his head.

Ever so quietly I put the blankets over him, one at a time.

I creep out of the room, partially closing the door behind me.

As I walk down the hallway I make sure not to step too close to the hall closet, for if I do, the floorboards will creak.

This is how I transition my sleeping baby to his crib.

And every single night he was woken up again within 30 minutes.

And then I do it all over again.

PS: After 3 attemps at getting him to sleep last night, Ryan slept through the night in his crib!! Join me in my celebrating!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Road Trip

We took Ryan on his first road trip yesterday. 2 hours each way up to my sister's house in Penryn! I was pretty nervous to make this trip because I anticipated Ryan crying during the entire drive up and back. (He cries just driving to the store, so I had a right to assume the worst). Surprisingly he did great! I intentionally put him to bed late and got him up early the night before, so he was nice and sleepy when we set out in the morning. He slept the entire way there. On the way home he screamed and cried for the first 30 minutes. Just as I was about to take him out of his carseat he wore himself out and fell asleep, just as my Dad predicted he would.

Here are some pictures from the day:

Ryan loves his 5 cousins!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Foodie Friday: Kitchen Nightmares

I love to cook, but I wouldn't necessarily call myself a talented chef. I have had my fair share of kitchen mishaps. Last week I was roasting brussel sprouts when I heard a really loud noise come from the oven. The glass pan that I have used many times to roast foods in had exploded inside the oven. I actually took a picture but my camera ate it. Just imagine shards of glass everywhere, with a bunch of little burnt black sprouts in the middle. I was also baking a homemade pizza at the same time in the oven. Needless to say, it ended up being a Round Table night.

This week I was making spaghetti one night, which is my absolute favorite food. So simple yet so delicious. As I was cooking, I noticed I had some leftover tomato paste in the fridge. I got the bright idea that I could add it to my spaghetti sauce, and that way it wouldn't go to waste. Bad idea. It made the sauce, well, pasty. In fact it was so gross and pasty that neither of us could eat the spaghetti. We ended up eating cereal for dinner.
What stupid things have you done in the kitchen?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

On His Bottom

I have heard that most babies sit up before they crawl. So I've been wondering why my little boy is on the verge of crawling, yet not sitting up on his own. Then I realized that I haven't given him the chance to practice. So I plopped him on his bottom the other day and what do you know?
Mommy feels kind of dumb now. My boy can sit up on his own and I didn't even realize it.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

6 Month Dr. Visit

Ryan had his 6 month well-check this week. In terms of his development, he is right on track with everything! Here are his percentiles:

Weight: 16 lbs, 10 oz (32%)
Height: 26.5 inches (52%)
Head: 17.25 inches (50%)

Ryan got his 6 month vaccinations, as well as a flu shot. I considered breaking the shots up into two times because it seemed like a lot to get at once. He got 4 shots in his legs and one vaccination by mouth. He started crying immediately but then quited down after a minute. Later that afternoon the poor little guy started crying again and would not stop. I gave him tylenol and nursed him on and off all afternoon. He dozed for a few hours, which is very unlike him. I feel bad now that we have to go back in a month for the 2nd round of his flu shot!

I talked to the Dr. a lot about Ryan's diet. He said we can now introduce mixed foods, as well as proteins like meat, chicken and beans. I am so excited to give these new foods to Ryan! He also said to start feeding him solid foods 3 times a day, rather than just 2. He added that I should give him solids before I breastfeed. This really took me by surprise. I asked what I should do if he seems too full after eating solid food to breastfeed. The Dr. replied that this would be good, since we want to gradually shift Ryan's diet away from breastmilk and towards real food over the next 6 months. Apparently a baby has a reserve of iron stored up in their body since birth. Around 6 months this reserve is gone, and breastmilk no longer provides their little bodies with all the nutrients they need. This is where solid foods begin to play a bigger role. I must admit I was really sad when I heard this. I'm not ready to start weaning him!

Weighty Wednesday: Home Stretch

2 lbs lost this week! I am now 1 pound away from my goal weight. Speaking of the home stretch, my back has been killing me lately. I've been trying to stretch it a lot but nothing is helping. I feel stiff and achy when I get up from nursing Ryan. I'm starting to fall apart at the age of 28! Any good back exercises that you can recommend?

Stats and Goals for Week 22:
Lbs Lost This Week: 2
Lbs Lost So Far: 29
Lbs Left to Lose: 1

Monday, November 1, 2010

They're Coming!!

Our first Halloween in our new house brought with it many trick-or-treaters! I was entirely unprepared for how many candy-hungry children live in our neighborhood. I handed out 1 candy and 1 bag of halloween pretzels to each child (Adam totally thought we'd be egged for the pretzels, but I heard one little boy exclaim "Wow I got pretzels!").

Pretty soon our stash got low and I sent Adam out to the store for more candy. Then they started coming in groups of 10 and 15 kids. So I handed out only 1 piece per child. Then we ran out of candy and Adam still wasn't back so I gave out chocolate chip granola bars. Right as I was deciding between turning out the lights or handing out honey sticks, Adam arrived back at home with the 1 bag of candy left on Raley's shelves.

We took 1 minute out of the busy evening to take a family photo with our little monkey.
Did you get a lot of trick-or-treaters?