Thursday, June 10, 2010

Cheat Day

Today is one of those days where I'm basically just existing. Last night was rough and I'm too tired to really post. I went to the Dr. today due to blocked milk ducts. The pain is pretty bad, but luckily I got antibiotics in case it turns into an infection. Here is an explanation if you are really interested:

Instead of an actual post today, I'm going to cheat and link to another blogger's post. I follow the blog "O My Family" and almost always can relate to what she posts. She is a mother of an adorable 10-month old (I think?). See for yourself.

Today's post is another one of her great explanations of motherhood. I encourage you to read it.


  1. Were you able to get the clog out? I've had a few and one super painful one. I used a few techniques I read and have been able to get them out ever since. I can email you how to do it if you're interested. Hope you're feeling better.

  2. Hi the clog is still there. Once one clears up, it seems to come back in the opposite side. I'd love to hear what worked for you. Here's my email:
